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Upgrade Mission

Our Upgrade Mission is an initiative that has been designed to support all of our Year 11 learners and prepare them for their forthcoming GCSE examinations. Sessions take place every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school, covering our core subjects; English, Maths and Science. We are very proud of the impact Upgrade sessions have on improving our learners’ grades.

The Year 11 Upgrade programme demonstrates the Trust’s commitment to providing the best support possible for Year 11 learners so that they can thrive in their summer examinations and move on to positive post-16 destinations.

Parents/carers will always be informed of when the Upgrade Mission starts.

"I went from a grade 3 to a grade 5 in Maths after the PGL study weekend."
Robert C Year 11

We further support our Year 10 and 11 learners with regular SMASH sessions; focused additional sessions designed to further make knowledge stick. These take place outside of the normal school day such as during weekends and school holidays and some even take place off-site such as our annual study weekend to Wiltshire! As always, parents/carers will be informed by letter and Weduc of when these sessions are taking place.