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I.T. Facilities

The academy has undergone a substantial programme of I.T. upgrades, including the purchase of hundreds of PCs and laptops and major improvements to the network.

Teaching Classrooms

Each teaching classroom has a computer with a flat-screen monitor, MIS system access, Internet access and sound system. There is either a projector and large interactive whiteboard, a large interactive flat-panel display or large screen TV to allow teachers to display a wide variety of content. The classrooms also have DVD players.

I.T. Suites

We have six large I.T. suites at the academy, all of which have been recently re-equipped with new PCs. Each I.T. Suite has approximately 30 computers running the latest versions of Windows 10.. They also have other educational software such as Python, Lexia, GCSE Pod and Sparx Maths. All computers are connected to the school network and have access to the internet. Each I.T. suite also has access to a printer or copier to allow students to print off any work. Plans are in place to upgrade the network to Windows 11 in the coming months and preparation work for this has already started.

Internet Access

Students are allowed computer access to the internet to support their lessons and education. We have a fast internet connection allowing multiple users to work on the web at the same time. Internet access of all students is recorded, monitored and filtered through our e-Safety software system.


More recently, we have invested a lot in mobile devices to allow learners to use technology within the normal working environment. Design Technology, for example, now have 30 laptops for use in the practical room to allow learners to use computers whilst also working on their physical project work.

Mr. Palmer deals with all things tech based in school, he can be contacted at [email protected].