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Our Team


Senior Leadership Team

  • Mr I Moore


  • Miss E Adeoye

    Vice Principal

  • Mr D Thomas

    Vice Principal

  • Mr S Cole

    Assistant Principal

  • Mr A Jones

    Associate Assistant Principal

  • Mrs L Cable

    Associate to the Senior Team

  • Mr B Palmer

    Associate to the Senior Team

Learning Managers/Pastoral Support

  • Mrs A Douch

    Attendance Officer

  • Miss M Rose

    Year 7 Learning Manager

  • Miss S Mahli

    Year 8 Learning Manager

  • Miss N Gordon

    Year 9 Learning Manager

  • Mr J Christian

    Year 11 Learning Manager

Curriculum Team Leaders

  • Mr T Clarke

    CTL for English

  • Mrs E Knowles

    CTL for Mathematics

  • Mrs L Cable

    CTL for Science

  • Mr B Palmer

    CTL for Business & Computing

  • Ms K Yates

    CTL for Geography

  • Ms K Shearman

    CTL for History

  • Miss N Fones

    CTL for Languages

  • Mrs L Golden

    CTL for PE

  • Mrs E Murphy

    CTL for Performing Arts