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Preparation for Life

Dreaming Big: careers advice and making the right decisions

In every year, learners benefit from high quality impartial careers advice and guidance. A Trust-wide team ensures that all learners can understand the relevance of their education to their later choices and we encourage them to plan for their future. We know that if children are ‘Dreaming Big’ about what they want to do in life, they will work harder, achieve more and be happier.

Our Careers Strategy also includes fostering direct links with employers, taking part in Chamber and other business events, entering entrepreneurial competitions, exploring post-16 options and taking part in work experience. There are visits to universities, including some of the very top universities in the UK.

As part of our Careers Strategy, all learners will visit Dudley College of Technology, the Academy’s sponsor, and take part in several days of “Taster Activities” in the College’s industry-standard facilities. This allows them to explore many and varied career options and understand the nature of A level and vocational qualifications. Central Sixth at Dudley College offers our learners the opportunity to experience its wide range of exciting A Level subjects, with a large proportion of our learners choosing to study in its modern and well-equipped building.

Being part of the build a plane team gives me more to do outside of school and a look at the world of engineering. It's really fun to work with experts.
Larissa M Year 10

Recent Initiatives

  • We're building a plane! You heard us right... every two weeks learners from St James Academy visit our sponsor, Dudley College of Technology, to contribute to the 'Build a Plane' project. 
  • Careers breakfasts - our Trust Career's Leader, Mrs. Turton, arranges regular breakfast meetings for our learners to speak with industry experts from a range of sectors including finance, education and manual sectors such as landscaping and maintenance. These are held throughout the year and targetted at a whole year group.

Our senior leader overseeing careers provision is Mr. Cole who can be contacted at [email protected].